Costco has just announced that by July 15th all copies of Dinesh D'Souza's new book titled America: Imagine the World Without Her will be pulled from the shelves of all its retail stores. Costco has always sold books by New York Times bestselling authors regardless of the content. What makes D'Souza's book such an exception? What danger lurks within its pages that must be censored from the eyes of the American public?
I am about a third of the way through the book and all I see is that D'Souza's book is unique in one respect. No, it's not just a book celebrating what is great about America, it is an analysis of the leftist critiques about America from the big names in academia (Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, Bill Ayers, etc.) and a demolition of their arguments about America. Meanwhile, D'Souza's film of the same name has been released in theaters.
More on this important book later.
Patriot Thought
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